Level 50, 120 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
1800 477 454
Quote Date | July 23, 2022 |
Total | $35,331.00 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | 9.9kW or 10kW Hybrid High Voltage Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) Components: 40 × Trina Honey M 330W Split Panel; 2 × Fronius Primo GEN24 5.0 PLUS Hybrid Inverter with Backup; 1 × BYD Battery-Box Premium HVM 11.0 with BMU wooco_ids: 3463/40/,4884/2/,3668/1/ wooco_price: 33745 | $0.00 | $33,745.00 |
40 | 9.9kW or 10kW Hybrid High Voltage Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) → Trina Honey M 330W Split Panel wooco_parent_id: 4669 wooco_qty: 40 | $236.14 | $10,390.00 |
2 | 9.9kW or 10kW Hybrid High Voltage Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) → Fronius Primo GEN24 5.0 PLUS Hybrid Inverter with Backup wooco_parent_id: 4669 wooco_qty: 2 | $3,972.73 | $8,740.00 |
1 | 9.9kW or 10kW Hybrid High Voltage Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) → BYD Battery-Box Premium HVM 11.0 with BMU wooco_parent_id: 4669 wooco_qty: 1 | $13,286.36 | $14,615.00 |
1 | Wiring & Installation Charges | $6,660.00 | $7,326.00 |
164 | Government STC Rebate Credits | -$35.00 | -$5,740.00 |
Subtotal: | $35,331.00 |
Shipping: | Free shipping |
Payment method: | Request Packaged Bundles Installation Quotation |
Total: | $35,331.00 (includes $3,733.74 GST) |