

Level 50, 120 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000

1800 477 454

Quote Date October 12, 2020
Total $27,346.25
Billing address
Winston Saldanha
42 Mortimore Street
Bentleigh Victoria 3204
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/Price Sub Total
1Tesla Powerwall Backup Gateway 2
1Mounting System, Wiring & Installation Charges
86Government STC Rebate Credits
1Tesla Powerwall 14kWh Integrated Lithium Battery and Inverter + Trina 6.6kW Hybrid Grid Solar System
1SolarEdge Single Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technology and Wi-Fi 5kW
18SolarEdge Smart Module 360W (integrated with P370)
Adjustment for Change to Solar Edge:-$3,546.75
Payment method:Request Packaged Bundles Installation Quotation
Total:$27,346.25 (includes $2,759.65 GST)

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