

Level 50, 120 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000

1800 477 454

Quote Date September 21, 2021
Total $88,499.45
Billing address
Chris Darrington
30 Hill Rd
Roleystone Western Australia 6111
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/Price Sub Total
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
115kW Off Grid with Batteries Customisable Solar Package (Select your options)
Components: 45 × Trina Honey M 330W Split Panel; 1 × SMA STP 15000 TL 30 without display; 2 × SMA Sunny Island with SRC 8.0H-12; 1 × BYD Battery-Box Premium LVL 61.6 With BMU
wooco_ids: 3463/45//Solar Panel Brand and Size,2911/1//Inverter Choice 1 x 15kW,2917/2//Inverter Charger Choice 2 or above required for 15kW,3600/1//Battery Choice
wooco_price: 86155.45
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
4515kW Off Grid with Batteries Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) → Trina Honey M 330W Split Panel
wooco_parent_id: 4694
wooco_qty: 45
wooco_component: Solar Panel Brand and Size
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
115kW Off Grid with Batteries Customisable Solar Package (Select your options) → SMA STP 15000 TL 30 without display
wooco_parent_id: 4694
wooco_qty: 1
wooco_component: Inverter Choice 1 x 15kW
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
215kW Off Grid with Batteries Customisable Solar Package (Select your options)SMA Sunny Island with SRC 8.0H-12
wooco_parent_id: 4694
wooco_qty: 2
wooco_component: Inverter Charger Choice 2 or above required for 15kW
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
115kW Off Grid with Batteries Customisable Solar Package (Select your options)BYD Battery-Box Premium LVL 61.6 With BMU
wooco_parent_id: 4694
wooco_qty: 1
wooco_component: Battery Choice
_woo_custom_stock_status_email_txt: In Stock
Shipping:Free shipping
Payment method:Request Packaged Bundles Installation Quotation
Total:$88,499.45 (includes $8,045.40 GST)

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