7th July 2017 Ouch. My electricity price just increased by a whopping 23.8 per cent. Being a NSW residential consumer, I had been lead to believe that prices were going to be flat or at worst increasing only slightly (1.5%), so what…
The Holy Grail of Questions: How Much Electricity Do I Use vs. Size of Solar and Battery
31st May 2017 So we at Solar Heroes come across this question on a regular basis. The question is how much electricity does the customer use and what is the ideal size solar and battery system to make it fit…
Is the Federal Solar Incentive still available? (Updated)
31st January 2017 During many conversations I have with friends, collegues and customers alike, I seem to hear a common occurring question “Is the solar incentive still available?”. This question made me write this clarification on the current state of…
Solar feed in tariffs jump as community retailer ruffles big boys
19th December 2016 Finally, some good news for solar households. After years of being wound back to the price of coal, solar feed in tariffs are moving up again – at least in some areas – driven by competition by…
So your premium feed in tariff pricing deal is ending? What to do now?
So you and many Australians have been enjoying virtually free electricity bills or even getting credits over the years due to the generous 66c feed in tariff but now realize this is coming to an end. Now you need to…
How to maximise your solar feed in tariff paid to you
There has been many changes to how owners of solar have been compensated over the years and there are plenty more changes to come. Some have been offered the premium feed in tariff of 66c per kW while others have…
Shifting the times appliances are used can really save money for the solar user
28th January 2014 Most of us have always been aware of peak vs off peak electricity rates from utility suppliers. The same principle with people who have solar systems applies. The way in which we use our appliances has a…
Get more power from your solar installation by adding alternating Angles
5th January 2014 Adding some extra panels on the opposite sides of your installation will increase the total yield of the solar energy during the day. There is no need to change the existing solar installation. Just…